From this moment, I begin to hope things will change for the better. That, perhaps, I will make it through this week without wishing for each day to end as quickly as possible, without feeling as my life is on repeat and I am stuck living in the motions, while valuable moments full of potential and people being guided by a different life, slip on by far from my grasp. Maybe I will actually complete every piece of work in a timely manner, and prepare well for what the future holds, instead of dwelling in wasted times of the past and the sorrow of the present. I will intensely stare at these words on pages until my eyes bleed out of my sockets from burning holes in the paper, and my brain begins to unravel. I will concentrate so hard, that even the air around me will pulse with determination. I will flow efficiently from one place to the next, without observing other people and re-enforcing the sensations of insecurity and self conscious as I do each day. I will not scorn others for what they have, nor envy them, but I will be grateful for each moment I live, the words I exchange between the people I care about, and the hidden beauty of everything that is in store for my future.