My words can't crash the market, but it can sell ideas. My words can not mislead but it can vividly direct. My words can't start a war put it can sensitize warlords. My words can't condemn but it can seriously demand. My words can not tear down but it can surely uplift. My words can not hurt but it can not definitely heal. My words can dig the earth but it can circumnavigate the globe. My words can not pierce stones but it can reach deep into the soul. My word can not wipe a woman's tears but it can calm her down, reassure and put smiles on her beautiful face. My words can not bring forth lives but it can transform many lives. My words can not crush a diamond, but it can soften a hardened heart. My words can not feed a multitude of folks but it can wake up the consciousness of An entire generation with faded dreams. Most importantly, it can motivate and inspire them to engage and rethink and Move.