Hi, I'm so and so, and I am anorexic. Wait, am I supposed to state one problem or all of them?
Let me start over.
Hi, I'm so and so, and I am anorexic. I am a self harming, drug abusing, attention seeking, anorexic with a penchant for seeking out love in all the wrong places. I'm an occasional smoker, a complete *****, and a highly trained klepto.
I'm also a procrastinator, does that count?
I'm self-consumed, suicidal, and sometimes I let water boil over on the stove without cleaning up the mess. I blame things on other people as often as possible, and never tell the cashier when they've given me too much change back.
I know that's not all, but it's awfully hard to remember everything that's wrong with me right now.
Oh yeah, I'm forgetful. And terrible under pressure. And at public speaking. I lie...a lot, and actually, I made some of these problems up.
So I came here to get help. By the way, when exactly does that start?
Don't ask... No clue where this came from. Just, yeah.