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Aug 2019
Finn was standing well back
from the river blackwater,

which, according to local
folklore, flooded.

Untreated sewage was
another reason.

Down by the edge on a
stony strand,

an elderly man, Willie Eaton
was frying a salmon

in a copper shield of the
O’Connell clan

washed down with some
Kerry sheep in the last flood.

Willie was from Cork city,
c’mere boy he said, to Finn.

Dubiously, Finn approached.

Would you like to taste a bit
of fresh salmon boy?

Finn responded in Irish.
Greamaigh an bradΓ‘n suas do pholl.
Ryan O'Leary
Written by
Ryan O'Leary  Mallow.
     ---, shamamama and Faizel Farzee
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