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Mar 2013
Grace walked hand in hand with me,
In the pretty green lea,
Then she picked a flower;
And drinked in it's beauty, forgetting about the hour.

Grace walked hand in hand with me,
Out to the pretty blue sea,
We picked up sea-shells on the shore;
And found jewels that no pirate ever found before.

We waded in the waves, and rested in the sand,
Grace and I near the sea walked hand in hand,
And found buried treasures of old;
But were the brightest of all instead of dull and burried with mold.

Grace and I walked hand in hand today,
Out near the lakes where flamingos wade and play,
And where birds never had flown so high;
In the royal sapphire sky.

We walked hand in hand together,
We were time is forever,
Right here in Fairyland;
Grace and I walked hand in hand.

In Summer we walk in the meadow,
In Winter we laugh we snow kisses our cheeks and we have fun in the snow,
Out be the sea of eternity;
Grace walked hand in hand with me.

For my sweet and most beautiful sis and princess, Madi Grace!!! <3 I love you so much!!! You rain such peace and amazing Grace, Madi!!!! And this poem is all for you!!! <3<3
Written by
Marian  Faerieland and in my head
(Faerieland and in my head)   
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