We are gathered here to say wasn't this dead man great, to pay perfect tribute to this cold corpse brute who can no longer move, just another dead body ready to be viewed by those he knew;
A kindhearted word artist who never tried his hardest, but gave each day an adequate display.
We have come here to let loved ones mourn in collective communion as they highlight the high points of his life, whilst forgetting all the moments he would still be regretting if they weren't currently burying him.
We are here to let go, give spirit to a dream that no one can know as we commit an empty shell to a dug out pit of pointless stupidity.
We come here gravely like lost lambs hoping that some after party fairytale will keep all of our children coping, doping them with the madness of an afterlife development so, they keep hurting while working for wealthy men.
So, we are gathered here to celebrate him with a hymn whilst discarding the true character of a life lived in passing.