Reflected there in my little sunglasses two of me I see like I'm drunk trying to focus on homework for classes distracted with ADHD, who'd have thunk there are my keys and a pile of papers water jug, I need to drink more of that I should have dinner with salmon and capers was that my next door neighbors cat? little distractions add up in my day so it takes me a while to get things done every morning for concentration I pray and then God brings out that beautiful sun focus on Me and you will have all you need you don't have to compete with everyone racing through life at breakneck speed is the way to ensure you will have no fun so I stop and smell a beautiful flower and I realize I'm happy with a giant smile through me flows a tremendous power you have to remind yourself once in a while life is for living, we're meant to live life I know it's hard when there's so much to do whether you're a friend, sibling, husband or wife but stop and listen. That's how you find YOU.
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4