Politics politics all over the place it's everywhere all up in your face we talk about it when we don't know squat everyone with opinions it happens a lot humans presented like bright colored birds puffed up flinging around lots of big words you must vote for me 'cause I am the best you'll make lots of money with plenty of rest the government will solve all of your strife and give you everything you want out of life don't vote for that guy, he is just dumb vote for me so you can carry your gun don't vote for him, or you must keep that baby you were ***** and he'll be a drug dealer maybe if you vote for one then you have a choice but only the choices that each came to voice the sad thing is, they're all somewhat wrong democracy lasts a few years then it's gone we all came to listen to them taunt freedom is the thing we all really want freedom from fear and our financial woe freedom to go wherever we want to go freedom won't come from voting just right from your perfect candidate winning the fight freedom comes from God up above freedom comes from accepting His love freedom is inside you in all circumstances so vote for Jesus, and you don't have to take chances