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Jul 2019
She, He, You.
one by one they disappeared
She was the first, Roses wilt.
He was the second, Consumed by anger
You were the last, Murderers die
Shattered heart and a dream
That dream is a nightmare.
This is a really big vent about some of my friends that i had lost,
one dropped me for stuff she should've told me,
second one dropped me for just personal **** that's happened through and through me and him being friends, he was really angry and having a mental breakdown when i seen what he'd all said
the third one.. well. Nothing bad happened with me and him, He just decided to quit and move on, His myth was a murderer hence 'murderers die' (roblox ****), but he didn't die at all.
Written by
jester  20/Non-binary
       Hawa, ---, A B Faniki, S Olson, Colm and 3 others
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