Allow me to linger here in my time of sorrow Where the birds songs are sweet and endless Where I can sing back to them until we sing a new song Where the yellow light warms my spirit and restores my strength to walk again into your broken kingdom Where I can lay in the leaves, the clean grass and speak with you as I my eyes admire the late afternoon sky in the gaps of the treetops The deer and stag will not flee, rather they will lead me It is really you, my Saviour leading me, asking me to leave my place of comfort of meditation, of zen, of peace, so that I can return to the battle refreshed. The songs of the birds carry me on They sing for me as I leave the haven A song of strength, a song of endurance. In my time of need, I am welcome to return to my special place The forest where I can cry. The forest where I can praise. Created and reserved for me and my Father.