Bad days are just good days that started off with false promises of euphoria Maybe you got an A on the test you didn’t study for Or they served those spicy chicken nuggets you like Maybe the sunset was pretty
And then maybe you realize a day with good doesn’t guarantee a good day suddenly its 3 am and tears stream down your face You’re wishing it could just be over And you listen to something that makes your heart drip black ink Wishing you were lucky enough to call it only a nightmare And you bang your head against the cold linoleum bathroom floor as you lie wishing you could just sink
we may be afraid now but with time comes courage after you’ve stared at wounds soaked in alcohol and covered with minions band aids; at your horrified face in the mirror after cutting your bangs too short after you’ve starched your hair with every chemical under God’s sun; And dyed it manic panic cotton candy pink After the spray tan that stained your skin a color that no natural human body has ever displayed After you run out of unhealthy ways of coping
You’re left Wishing you could go back to a time of fifty cent over sweetened iced tea California sun searing into your skin Pastel green Baskin Robbins ice cream melting between your fingertips Summers you spent yearning for autumns now becoming winters spent yearning for spring you’re dissatisfied no matter what season But trust me when I say that You are going to have bad days and sometimes good days where it’s hard to see the good Trust me when I say you still have plenty of time and many new roads lie ahead