Suicide Now that's something I haven't thought about in a long time yet lately it's all I think about I think about that moment when I can end it all All of the pain I feel inside will just disappear and I can finally have the peace I so desperately crave Lately I feel so empty I feel like I've run out of love that use to fill my soul to the point I had no choice but to share it Now I'm empty and it scares me My passions have faded away My longing for human touch has turned into a stone wall that I fear Jesus can't even break through it All my dreams are now in bedded into tears that claw at my face during moments I should be laughing The pain I feel lately is so new to me and I don't know how to make it go away It stabs at me like a million knives butchering away and I'm left fighting for my life as I bleed to death I'm crawling to nowhere and when I've had enough and I feel like I can no longer breathe I fall asleep not giving a **** if death has plans to claim me Then I get up and I relive the pain all over again Some might read my work and think "**** this woman is so selfishΒ Β there is absolutely nothing that horrible going on in her life to make her feel this way" Maybe they're right Maybe I am selfish If they could only step into my skin and feel all that I feel they wouldn't be able to handle it Maybe they could I don't know What I do know is I am tired of fighting I'm so sick of fighting my way through just to end up where I started many years ago To think this battle for my life and sanity started when I was just 13 years old If you told me that this would still be my battle 14 years later I would have laughed in your face Suicide it's like an evil that leaves a note on your door in your weakest moments "Can I take your life now please check yes or no" I check no every time but I've been tempted to check yes Just when I think I'm close to doing it I suddenly feel this burst of pain that almost burns my insides I close my eyes as I curl into a ball and I see flashes of battles I've won in the past I see myself with metaphorical swords and I see my negative thoughts with heartbeats going down one by one As I scream in pain I am reminded that I am alive I have a purpose and I won't find it crawling on the ground So I pick up my sword and I fight Every negative comment I recieve I slash in two Every hand that has ever been laid on me leaving a bruise I chop to pieces Every negative experience that tried to **** me I slash it's throat and I fight and I FIGHT AND I FIGHT because I am a warrior and warriors don't give up I may be bleeding from places I never knew I could but I'm breathing My muscles may be sore all over but I'm standing My thoughts can shout out all of the reasons as to why I should give up but I'm still here I choose life I choose to live I choose to hold my sword tightly and use it as a reminder of how far I've come My scares may be ugly but they resemble the darkest parts of hell I've faced and overcome My heart may be bruised a bit but it's my compass to my next journey and it's still beating like it's never been hit Suicide can leave me as many notes as it wants to my answer will never change I'll scream it if I have to "Can I take your life now please check yes or no" I check no
WRITTEN BY: Amanda Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: July. 20, 2019 Saturday 6:35 PM