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Jul 2019
Oh, sapphic ghost
I am there with you
I never thought you'd be back
10 years after all that
Shapeshifter, but I know your act

You're not my friend
I am not one of you girls
Pretty girls with the short hair
and kisses below the waist
but I gravitate
to the grey line where you play

Am I losing depth
Am I losing myself
I found myself in a black pit
had to get out anyway

I have been mistaking
things all along
but isn't making mistakes
what this life is for?

Carried to the easy
carried to the grave
it's an oasis
where slowly creeps in death

But you can't fix it with a thought
Only energy will fill that hole
You like girls - what's wrong?
What's wrong - I miss a man's touch

I know the secrets to the universe - one day at a time
Courtney O
Written by
Courtney O  27/F/Madrid
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