Women. Creatures made of Fire and Stone. Cold. Sometimes raging about silly things such as why you left early and why didn’t you pay the tab and why you didn’t call me. Women, Man, like a Woman like a Man we are all the same, I think. Except when it comes to silly things such as reading while talking to her on the phone. How I’m not listening to the story about her friend who’s boyfriend told her that he’s going to the military. Women. Despite all the jokes and laughs, she’ll still think you’re not funny enough or not tall enough or not fit enough for her tastes. Still, women are creatures of Fire and Stone. Women make us Men feel do or think about dilemmas about paradoxes that we would otherwise ignore. Women make a Man fall on his knees mopping the floor with them along. Women make Men who they are, today. Women have the kind of power to bend the rules and twist reality to a point where a Man sees what a Woman decides for him to see. Women are Truth in motion.