Red,White,Blue and you. We survived much Choas and Pain We have enjoyed Victories and Many Times.. We enjoyed the Perks of Our Gains. We cheer the flag and it's waving Glory Dating back to 1776 We owe our lives to those who fought to send England Back home. We have a great army Souls who have dedicated themselves to fight and to die for this beautiful country Many want in They tried the wrong routes.. We pushed them back to protect those legit needing entry for a better life
The leader prevented such worthy people from being left out.. Our great President has corrected many wrongs and filled the spot as "Chief and Man in Charge" With more feeling and selfless actions Kept to all his election promises and Brought America back to greatness and to Brighter Beauty. with all of our allied Factions and Nations.
Another beautiful year Promises the young to become our future and great parts of the cogs and gears that help this "Great Machine" Drives On, Flawlessly. United, we stand and together we fall. A nation bounded by Great Hearts, Hard Working Men and Women and Souls wishing for our Freedom and Democracy to Last into the future and into Eternity.