They're still standing like statues of marble rock. They still linger in humans hearts bearing the gift of old. Nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne keeper of world's memory.
With eloquence and harmony of voice Calliope presides in epic poetry.
In heaven of holy spirit Urania withers away warden of philosophy.
Sacred is her hymn, sacred is her poetry, sacred is Polyhymnia the dancer.
Joy and laughter brings Thalia with comedy and idyllic poetry and men overcome their grief.
With a lyre in hand Clio tells the story of the world but with no delight Melpomene narrates the tragedy of this world.
She is the loved one, the desired one Erato of loving poetry giver of delight.
And close to the sea stood another, with a lyre in hand Terpsichore dancing with her daughters, the Sirens.