Those cosmopolitan provincials sorts the chavs, yobs, yobbesses and oiks with semolina for brains them retro-grade grade-less sub-humans bottom feeders who think Cardiff is in East Angular and Magaluf is Eden and Higher Education begins in Borstal or a stint at HM Prisons found by happenstance a tin of Caviar something they'd never seen before with the curiosity of practiced thieves they proceeded to examine its worth 'its a tin of hair gel says one' 'No, no, no says another, I think its something you eat' 'it says Caviar Royal Beluga, observes another' 'throw it away, anything with a name like that is *******' 'Beluga...some foreign muck, it look dark and oily' 'yea mate, look like ****, throw it away' One of the dis-advantaged rabble with one O'level in Carpentry took a closer look 'look he says, there's sticker on the bottom that reads Caviar Royal Beluga – 1kg £3,780.00' Hahahaha they all roared in ceaseless mirth, hahaha 'some joker is having a laugh, pull the other leg, fancy... a tin of black gunge in some slimy stuff cost three grand, must think people are born yesterday, Beluga..fuckoffluga' And with that, they tossed the tin away and walked off laughing like *******.
Ignorance is a disease, ignorance is bliss will vandals extol the sheer magnificence of a Constable or see anything other than a chair in a Chippendale ribbonback chair, will Barbarians shed a tear on hearing the sensuous notes of Chopin or shiver at the graceful notes of Debussy or melt in sheer adoration as Tchaikovsky's romance soars in magical resonance. Will cosmopolitan heathens gape in mesmerizing wonder on seeing Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel and praise God for being alive So who has great expectations of our dear cosmopolitan provincials sorts those chavs, yobs, yobbesses and oiks with semolina for brains for in disparaging excellence and rubbishing the noble and the exceptional they make us appreciate more that we are blessed and privileged and do not have semolina for brains