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Jun 2019
A thick and lustrous breeze,
my mind should be at ease
beneath the sky and trees
are only lonely, sullen thoughts.

Surrounded by a crowd.
Confused, distracted, loud.
One dark ominous cloud
looming overhead.

Time is slowly passing by,
waiting for the fire in the sky,
Catch a glimse of you, I try..
Feeling lost in familiar faces.

I want to be with you here,
see you smile and feel you near.
To watch the sparkling lights appear
within your sunburnt arms.

But, he's looking in suspicion,
he can sense my rogue ambition.
I can't contain this hot contrition
boiling in my veins.

As the sun parts ways with sky,
the voices start to die.
Fire dances way up high,
I connect my eyes with yours.

As the booms are softly fading,
I picture myself staying;
being bored, with-held and wading
in unspoken, writhing angst.

I want your lips to invade me,
your fingers to persuade me,
your body to cascade me
until we reach abyss.

But I'll watch the lights, composed;
his hand on mine, exposed.
Feelings - in a box; enclosed
and pretending to be fine.

And when the sky is dark,
the crowds vacate the park,
I'll still picture the fervent spark
within me - spreading quickly.
Unspoken thoughts are dangerous.
Tara Marie
Written by
Tara Marie  Illinois
   Grace and Mark S
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