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Jun 2019
I dream of you...
My flawless Apollo
Unable to fathom
Yet easy to follow

In the darkness
I can't tell the King from a pawn
But with the death of a god
Came the first Golden Dawn

In a permanent sleep
I'm impaled to the bed
The most beautiful dagger
Stabbed me right through the head

Though I'm happy for that
'Cause I think with my heart
Death is but the beginning
When you play with the arts

I untangle the sword
To push you off of me
Could Romeo & Juliette
Still love with a lobotomy?

The answer is yes
I yank the sword from your chest
Then mummify your body
And cover you in amulets

From the Book of the Dead
I recite you a prayer
    "Your heart is mine
    And it is at rest there."

I lye down beside you
Re-bludgeon myself
From zombie to angel
Into Heaven from Hell

Corpses in a pyramid
What perfect symmetry
Death is short
But love is for eternity
Written by
Kat  23/F/Amarillo, TX
(23/F/Amarillo, TX)   
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