A - As you were son, the sun has not come out yet B - Be careful, it's hot, sip slowly C - Can you please tuck in your shirt! D - Don't! touch that! E - Enough already, put the toys away! F - For goodness sake, don't spill the juice! G - Grandma's coming tomorrow! H - Hurry up! we're gonna be late! I - In a minute, son! In a minute! J - June already....(sighing) K - Kissy, kissy, mommy loves you, sweetheart! L - Leave her alone! M - Maybe! I said maybe! N - No means No! O - Oh my God! What have you done this time? P - Please, please tidy your room Q - Quick! Grandma's on the line! R - Really?! That's your best excuse! S - Sorry sweetheart not tonight T - Today?! What do you mean Today?! U - Uncle Henry will go with you, okay? V - Vanilla ice cream with chocolate topping! W - Wait a minute young man, say that one more time X - Xanax? oh thank you, I needed that Y - You what?! Who is she?! .................................. Z - Zephyrs blow as she's lowered to the ground (Goodbye mummy, I'll see you soon....)