I once stumbled upon a great beast of a tree And I thought how like it is a man in this world. From a seed this great tree grew from the ground And his arms stretched where they once timidly curled. I thought to myself how man is strong when storms blow his way But, without nourishment, would shrivel to no more. Like this great beast Man stands strong, protects and shades Even when Man knows not what for. Man's roots, his core, rely on the soil from which he grew And to these things Man clings for life A good man finds love in his mother and father Or, if he's lucky, in the woman he calls wife. A man is like a tree in the way that he stands tall Even when everything around him slowly dies one-by-one The might of a man can bring some to their knees To some, he shines brighter than the summer sun. A man is like a tree in the way that he is strong when he needs to be Yet he knows when life is trying to make him drown But often, though he stands and withers away A man will not fall down.