Here I am Living proof That YOLO is a false statement Because here I have lived Over a million times Walked in the shoes Of a million people And those who have seen the life That is either as bad as mine Or as good as mine Have become the inspiration to every poem I am not just your average poet I am the voice of the speechless The ears to the unheard Why should the rejected be refused We still bleed Even if we bleed Blood darkened with poison You Only Live Once is a false statement Because I have killed myself Over a million times Within the words I have painted onto lines I am an artist Words that might be cold Words that might be heavenly But still words Intended for an audience That can comprehend their meaning I have murdered millions of people Within the words Yet they still stand They still try to tear me down They still reject the refused I ****, I commit suicide Every time I close my eyes So continue to use a statement False in every way You Only Live Once You Die You **** Every Chance You Are Given