Forty-five...the number of years her parents were married.
So many things, I spose, beg to avail Themselvs of lo, a voice now I've fr'intents Taen up the page and pencil in defense Of aught. Tis Mum and Dad's erm, in betrayl, Yes: wedding annivers'ry, as sans bail Now it was ere and e'er shall be, for sense. Which other items wanted space from hence Pale in the light of that note's keen detail. I yearn to call Dad for that reason, too. Yet how my pride is shown up as what'd stir Me, is it eh? Whence ****** ere I (as twere) Begin, what's left? Pride caused our rift, as to Effect tis ever what the Scriptures fer All that 'non prove: oh LORD, save me, won't You?
L's 4-6--May 24th until further notice can only be (to me) my parent's wedding anniversary. So there.