The one that I love is one I refer to as a God The one that I love is a million times strong The one that I love has given my life a new meaning The one that I love has taught me not to be afraid of love Someone I cherish and devote my all to without him knowing I bow and show my loyalty but remain fighting for his love and attention I have yet learned to express my feeling but with him by my side it is possible Keeping me upright on the path that is most perfect He is the light at the end of every tunnel my new beginning When life comes crashing and starts to tempt me I remember that If I am patient enough he might just develop feelings for me I write about him because I'm afraid to tell him I love him and always will My good mornings and good nights In, and Outs are the best part about him In these past months he is my all Loving everything about him and longing for him are all I can for now Until then I dedicate this to him my love Who I have chosen to name The One I love