Tripping the light fantastic along the astral plane all time runs concurrent a secret most arcane. The me that is now, that was then that will tomorrow be too all exist in their own space running parallel in time.
As I dance through the Aether searching for the light astral plane dreaming in the dead of the night.
Catch a glimpse of each me they say that's deja vu but have you never wondered how it can be that you already knew how it all plays out before you moments before it occurs "Already seen" say the French closed minds may call it, neurology, a curse.
But I know a secret, a secret verily arcane I've seen the world's spin in unison whilst I tripped the light fantastic along the Astral plane all time moving concurrently all versions spinning precisely at once the then, the now & future me separate yet together such a beautiful dance.
Come traverse the aether with me take a leap, take a chance I will show you the past & the future all existing in the now brush off your preconceptions take my hand, I'll lead the way but remember before we take flight keep hold of an anchor to ground you to this world we can only visit briefly for a moment in the night upset the fragile balance and all worlds will collide.