So it was to happen Nor you knew or me Nor anyone in this world knew How it happened? When it happened? Why it happened? For what it happened? Where it happened?
How does it matter now...?
YOU became I I became YOU Thus we transfused Into "ONE-LOVE"
Only you know And only I know Who is who - within us? No one else knows About this LOVE miracle
May be.., it was... The way we met The moment we faced each other And looked into each other's eyes We found our seeking in our souls As if fate presented a mirror Of our reflection into each other
As much as YOU are surprised, so am I Can anyone differentiate us now?
Who is who within us? No one else knows About this LOVE miracle
Two physicality Two psyches Two beings Two hearts But as if we are breathing The same LOVE As if we have the Same spirit and ONE-SOUL
This must be a miracle of nature Destiny gulled us into ONENESS How can even the world understand? The way we become ONE-LOVE
Who is who within US? No one else knows About this LOVE miracle
YOU became I I became YOU Thus we transfused Into ONE-LOVE