The moth is still there, in search of light on the table. And the glass is definitely there, And the moth does not understand.
I lost the lighter no phosphoros only the hot water tank pilot And I have so many cigarettes!
I must learn hindu, or imagine how they This "Brisas del Mar" does not have any of that and it smells like a dog.
Today potato cake, I think well done. With black olives, morron, good layer of cheese
The bottle was left in the sideboard with his cork and hood, unscathed and surprised
It's just that I do not drink alone and a bottle is not a company.
I call Pedro, Clemente's nephew Everything is fine, That the lagoon still does not freeze He awaits me when I want
The address of Clemente 41ΒΊ31.35 57 "S 68ΒΊ 41.47 88 "O but I know how to get there, where today I would like to be.
The music tonight sounds flat, It does not envelop me, I leave it anyway Maybe someone listens tonight better than me
Kosova returned tired of the forest she has a hard time and it is hard for her to adjust. The same will fall asleep at thebottom of the stairs I called Pablo, I must give him the injection soon.
There is no wind, there are no sounds, the incense defintively smells like a dog No offense to anyone
I have to sleep, I'm tired, but I'm not sleepy .......