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Jun 2019
I look at my hands
Violet stained
Something in me raptured

I stand parallel to my mirror
I touch my hair, my cheeks, my eyelashes, my hips
I wonder, why am i not turning to mist with all this hurt within me?

I wanted to love you until tomorrows stop knocking on our doors

I wanted to hold you until all the hurt within you becomes starlight, and every time darkness overtakes, you feel the twinkling of your hurt ease

I wanted to build an abode of serenity and take you in whenever the world felt like a drag

I wanted to cook you breakfast, pour my heart into ever pancake flip

I wanted to tell you, hey your smile captivated me into a state of placidity

I wanted to build a universe out of dust and your old empty promises

I wanted to wait for you to come back

I wanted to wait for you wake up

I wanted to wait for you.

Guess it was asinine of me to think so.
I was a fool
Written by
lili  20/Gender Fluid
(20/Gender Fluid)   
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