Dear mom, Thank you for not taking my decisions for me Or else I wouldn't have known how to learn from my mistakes.
Thank you for not buying me every last toy in the store Or else rejection would have been unbearable for me.
Thank you for not leaving me to the babysitter Or I wouldn't have learned to be independent.
Thank you for scolding me everytime I misbehaved Or I wouldn't have known the difference between right and wrong.
Thank you for punishing me everytime I wronged someone Or I wouldn't have know that mistakes come with consequences.
Thank you for being strict Or I would have ended up spoilt.
Thank you for not helping me in my fights with the society kids Or the high school bullies would have been to much to deal with.
And thank you for always loving me and reminding me that you are always there Or those little heartbreaks would have left me with nothing to hold on to.