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May 2019
we fell
somewhere in between
the vulnerability of subconsciousness
and the bluntness of reality

we awoke entwined
and as my dreams burrowed their way
out of my brain
I wouldn’t let go.
and as our eyes opened up
and met
I wouldn’t let go.
and as our lips opened up
and met
and as your reach opened up
and met mine and
we made our way in
in a type of love only a fresh dawn can bring
I wouldn’t let go.

and as the sun rose
and the world found ways to remind us that
it exists
and we only exist
as a part of it,
and that comfort is nothing
but a lack of fear,

and that the places in between
are there
only to separate the entities
they embrace

I wouldn’t let go.
Written by
Katy Erin  29/F/Los Angeles, CA
(29/F/Los Angeles, CA)   
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