Tis all a paltry jest whose sweet pretense I cherished more than due, although sans bail Thy Scriptures oer and oer instruct t'avail My soul to not love aught here; all I'd thence Laugh 'bout and think t'extole as being fr'intents Tops, waxing thin in retrospect's detail, And to the moment's shining face, til frail Joys mock "...their own presage--" is't lo,from hence? She wants to go out for um, coffee. Her Idea, not mine, when it comes down unto The point of which cafe. And that's good too. But most joe is not worth the price, in poor 'Scuse. She does not care. 'Nother friend in tour Will hook me with her cousin, when? He'll woo?!
NOTE: by Thursday PM, I am heartily ashamed of THIS. Her husband is dying of cancer. I want to weep inconsolably.