Quoth she, "...THIS fashion plate." to, smiling, scale Me lo, from pink headband to tall boots' dense Black, like the comment she was stylish thence Was--what? to MY attire?! and whither? pale As friends and kindness, poor attempts t'avail Myself of being half stylish, all's pretense? So guys stop talking when I pass, a sense Of turning heads mine for too long sans bail. I'm "never good enough." Or what is't, fer All that? What am I chasing? Wherefore do NonChristians seem...is't kinder? Why in poor 'Scuse did the church um, ladies, tell me two Times that: "your outfits are [for aught as twere] E'er intresting."?! Laugh. Tell me what is true?
I've been turning men's heads for 20 years, to no avail. *Church ladies from another church concurred with her assessment, ergo, what's with the ladies I did hobnob with, eh?! Envy?