Every time you Feel lonely or sad Or you feel like Your life doesn't Make sense and When it feels like Things are the Darkest is when You must search For the light and The love just waiting Beneath the surface Its always there if You know where To look inside of Your heart and Soul and when You find that Light that leads You through the Storm and through The trials of life you Will feel that much Stronger and whole Through the lessons Of life that might Come your way If you have faith You can move Mountains and Change the course Of rivers with your New found strength And faith and light That is flowing in Your soul as you Begin to show And share your Inner light and Strength to others To be the beacon Of light and faith To show others the Way when they feel Lonely or like life Isn't fair you can show Them through your Own light and experience There is always a brighter Way through the storm And showing and sharing Your gift of light and healing To all who are willing to see