An elder tongue once told me, you are my delight The island knew, for the earth never forgets My own tongue found herself ******* in knots Will I find these shores again The isle of the blest A cathedral for souls, still fighting without breath The ale will speak, through the mouth of a drunken fool You wait, on deity foresaken shores, for a mist that will never rise The sand knows more than you, yet the salt water draws it out beyond hearing The monsters in the loch sing prayers so ancient your tongue would tremble at the rasp of their words Will you take your chances with a ******* son of the gods Singing a gaelic hymn for the nords Is your thirst quenched by hel fire in the fjords The old country knows you, to her you shall return To look in her eyes, inlet of wisdom Her emerald secrets stare back at you The cairns of the kelts are sturdy still Will the faeries bless you It is a fool's blessing too Feather your tongue, so your words find flight This is irish magic, kept in the stars at night
The title translates from Gaelic meaning, you delight me.