I wonder if I actually would. The anticipation that dances through my veins may be confronted with fear when my moment finally appears.
If I could go, I’d jump. Expecting to never hit the ground, Expecting to soar higher than the clouds can float and be lighter than the weight of sound. Heaven bound.
If I could go. . . I’d let my heart take the lead of me Lead me into the jungle of uncertainties. And use it as my sword cutting through the tyranny of my enemies. Shielding me with dignity. Conquering all conspiracies.
If I could go. I’d hope to take with me every misfortune I’d previously encountered. Every anchor that I’ve accidentally let drag me into a river of stabilization And have unwilling empowered. The morals and blessings that have followed them And the wisdom of which I was then showered.
If I could go, You’d catch me running herculean towards my core. You’d hear my heart pounding ferociously like African drums Feet banging the concrete like the crackles of thunder. Breathe rapid and heavy as I move fiercely like a panther through the dark. Leaving behind only my tracks and my roar.
My desire to be free and sole would burn behind me and linger in the air potently.