Salt Tears flowing down my cheeks You have no right To pull us in To this web of painful tears They sting I try and hold them back Yet they fall I do have right I do have opinions In vain you try to make me conform I will not You have no right The voice in my head echoes You are pointless It says You dragged us in to this war Well I am fighting I will not hold back I didn't want this I wanted peace Yet the insults fly And the sting returns In my head a new voice appears Apologize It whispers You'll lose them You know you will They don't need you If you disappear they wouldn't notice You are nothing A waste of space You ARE stupid You ARE useless A tear falls No I won't apologize I love them I need them but I know I deserve more than what I get I know they might leave me Is that a risk I will take? So tired of this So tired of everything Lying on my back staring at the white ceiling Insomnia Again Looking in the mirror two pills in my hand Hopefully I can fade now Sink into the earth I will not apoligize for being treated badly But I will apoligize for creating this You say it's nothing You say it's meaningless drama It matters to me
I'm sorry but then again I'm not for Lana Elizabeth caitlin and sophia