I know it hurts I know it's deep And dark And I know it's all you can do To not drag that blade Across your wrists Or take a step Off that Cliff But just Just hold on One more time One more sunset One more horrible day One last effort Because It's It's about to get so so good There is a point to your pain Just Keep hold Please You're so close And I swear Soon you're going to look back And be so glad that you held on Even when you thought all you had Every ounce of strength Was gone You're so close
I know it's hard and it hurts, I know-trust me. I can feel it to. My ****** fingers are slipping, too and I know it ***** and no one understands, but I promise, you're so so close. Think of every happy ending you've ever read twice. You know that it gets so bad before it gets good. It's going to hurt a lot, it's going to feel like thunder in your soul, and lightning in your heart. I know it feels like a ton of bricks is on your chest, and it's getting harder to breathe, but you are so close. It's going to get so good really soon. Just... Hold on a little while longer.