In reality I'm alright Theres a smile on my face I say "I'm okay" You see a person Whose happy And positive
Metaphorically The I'm alright screams help The smile says save me The I'm okay really says "see the truth" I'm not a person anymore I'm my own monster I'm sad And broken
In reality I'm pretty Beautiful And cute You see someone whose thin You see someone with nice hair You see someone with beautiful eyes You see someone whose looks seem flawless
Metaphorically I'm ugly Unattractive And unappealing I see someone whose overweight I see someone whose hair needs to be changed alot to look okay I look in my eyes and all I see is my demons I look at my self and all I see is scars The visible And invisible
In reality My mom seems happy My dad is not as bad My brother is nicer My dog is less afraid I have friends I'm mentally alright Theres nothing but the dark at night
Metaphorically My moms not alright My dad is worse and gradually becoming more comfortable around me My brother is always putting up an act My dog is oblivious My friends are the shadows My mentality is destroying itself And theres monsters that lurk in the night
This is my metaphorical actuality Because The metaphors are the reality And the reality is my metaphor