Dear brother, I hope you get to read this one day, But there’s so much more I want to say. Don’t let your problems weigh you down, It takes less muscles to smile than to frown. Mind who your friends are, Don’t be guilty by association. Try not to hastle mom, She loves us both so much. If you do drugs, I’ll kick your ***, And really do pay attention in class. Don’t be a loner like your bro, Always have friends and somewhere else to go. Please don’t grow up way too fast, But don’t live your life stuck in the past. The first ten years have gone so quick, I guess that soon you’ll be finding your , Sorry mom, couldn’t help it. Never stop laughing, Because life is there to be lived. No matter what, know that you are loved, And if you are struggling and don’t know what to do, Know that I will always be there for you.