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Mar 2019
By: Cedric McClester

I’m not trying to be
But the Mueller Report
Was inconclusive
Exoneration wasn’t
Mutually exclusive
So his innocence
Remains deducive

And his old
Familiar song
Is he was right
All along
The prosecution
Had to be wrong
No collusion
Like Cheech and Chong

William Barr reached
His own conclusion
Based on the
Optical illusion
That in fact
There was no collision
By the President
For attribution

Wiliam Barr has
Thrown the first lob
NIow Congress must
Do it’s job
Mueller chose not to prosecute
That slob
So the American public
Was robbed

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2019.  All rights reserved.
Written by
Cedric McClester  New York, New York
(New York, New York)   
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