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Mar 2019
They had their summer kid house,
On the slopes of the big house,
Under the big tree,
Thatched roof, walled and cool.

The house was big for the two of
them to cozy in,
They even had a attic
With bed facing a window,
Window had a opening
With Macaw cage outside,
At times she sat there
talking to the bird,
Looking over the stream that flow down the hill.

Each summer they spent
All their time there,
They ran down the beach to fight the mighty waves,
And came back to there den to
feast on their feat.

Soon they grew and big they become,
College had become there second home,
In vacation he came, she was already there,
She sat in the thatched house,
Talking the the bird,
He made her meet his 'new' friend
In college they had grew close,
'She' was gorgeous and beautiful,
And had all his attention for now.

'She', the new friend would love to sit in the big house,
and would like breakfast on the
big table,
Beach 'she' would avoid for it will
tan 'her' skin,
Summer house was no place for
'her' to reside.

He tried desperate to be in the den,
Sometimes he came alone,
Sometimes at night he slept there,
Mornings will be withย ย Macaw and the stream flowing down,
Beaches were now a sneaking affair,
For he went only when he could fair.

Vacation ended and so did all,
He came to meet her to say her good bye,
She was in the den, eating her breakfast alone,
He came and took a bite
from her plate,
He said, wait I will come
back soon,
To share this unfinished
breakfast room,
She knew that instant,
that her friend is back.

For the one who can't love the den,
Cannot share the life of her friend,
The cozy place was not aloof now,
The Macaw too was happy and sound,
The stream was singing too,
And the beach was crowded huge,
The residents have come back
And life had returned too.

Sparkle In Wisdom
March 2019
Sparkle in Wisdom
Written by
Sparkle in Wisdom  43/F/West Africa
(43/F/West Africa)   
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