Turns out I shoulda said lo, "shamrock" hence Was it? Aw, dearest me, how that detail Called "leprechauns" had far more 'ppeal; and stale As donning green to match me ein's green sense Of hazel, la dee dah! the Duchess thence Defined all in a darker pine tone's scale 'Til guess I lose for all I've Irish. They'll Not even care twas Barry's Tea fr'intents. And I wore purple too, and blue, as poor From thereon out that I donned green's fine hue. O laugh at me! I wanted violets too-- Tae go a huntin' fer them damsels we're Sae sure to miss, hid e'er in shadows. You're Not pinked I tried to curtsy now, are you?
Oh, just having a little fun here. Duchess of Cambridge, if you cared two bits.