Sometimes diplomas are deleterious to a degree it seems the cap, gown, and certificate holder buys a telescope and starts using it to see loses the ability to write freely and bolder becomes particularly adept at speaking in snark - so much easier than personally and intimately connecting - preferring critique to finding and being a creative spark becoming expert not so much from practice as from correcting.
I knew a man who used to be my friend until he acquired his PhD then he began to depart and ascend too high for him to see little ole me I knew a few too who were doctors and buddies whose degrees didn’t pedestal them who didn’t let their higher studies erase their humor, make their hearts go dim.
This was inspired by Chris Sorrenti’s limerick, “Comments” ( in which he bemoans a certain guy named Dupreʹ who had an English Literature degree and habitually made snarky comments on others’ poems on a poetry website but never posted a poem of his own