Challenges often hold within them opportunities Changing the angle of view can make a lot of difference Clean your eyes and clear your mind Choose what you see amongst the myriad of images
Having a positive mindset Half solves a lot of problems Housed within you is an unimaginable amount of power Harness it, choose not to cower
Attitude is everything, they say Appreciate and be grateful that you can at least see this day A grateful heart is positioned to receive answers And blessings usually fall into such laps
L Limitations are first created in the mind Look always on the bright side of life
Lion (King/Queen) you are in the midst of it all Life and everything in it works together for your good
Encourage yourself each and every day Elevate God above what you're going through Excellent He is in all His ways Express your faith in Him and He will pave a way
Never succumb to the voices in your head Never hesitate to ask for help No single person knows it all Night will surely pass for morning to arrive
Giving up is the easiest option but Greatness doesn't lie in that route Give no room to deceptive thoughts Garrison your mind with positivity
Exude hope and faith from within you Exercise patience, everything happens in its time Excellent people are formed during tough times Evolve, let these things build you up
Success is guaranteed at the end Students of life, we all are Situations teach us to be Masters Summing it up... Seize all the opportunities present in life's challenges
I wanna perform this tonight, share your thoughts and opinions pls.