I don't know My mind's trying to find the answers That my heart couldn't Myself is sad, worried, angry.. About everything! about nothing Water dripping from the faucet makes me want to cry The sweet smell of my freshly laundered clothes... I love it but I also want them to burn I don't want anyone to see me I don't want to see anyone But I also don't want to push anyone away A pen slips out of my fingers at work And that honestly broke my heart I find myself unable to breathe I feel a thousand emotions I couldn't name Half of them I don't even know what they are I hate myself for hating the things I love I hate myself for not knowing why I'm tired, I'm tired of being tired My mind tells me to read my books Books make me happy I love books Heart says NO! You don't I guess you can say in this situation Stereotypically... My mind is the man in this relationship My heart, the indecisive woman Yes, No! Wait! Yes yes...no nothing! I DON'T KNOW! .....i'm fine... Everything hurts so very much But really... they're both trying To be just fine