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Mar 2019
Why are you reading this
Why have you chosen to hand your thoughts and emotions to
Someone putting ink to a paper or letters into code on
The other side of the world
Why do you keep scrolling thinking that at some point
One of these poems will change something
Why do you choose to feel for an anonymous writer which
You have never met
Why be constantly annoyed by the ignorantly creative use of punctuation
Why listen to someone that will never know you heard
Why would you get lost in this gray fog of thought that this brings
Why would you choose to feel when you don't need to
Or not when you can
Why not listen to a song
Why not let your thoughts run wild without the inspiration of
Someone else who has similar feelings
Are you in fact similar?

Why am I writing this
Why can I not let my thoughts sail their natural course without
Writing them down
No one ever sees them anyways, no matter what I do
Why would someone ever choose to care or feel for me
When in fact they've never met me
Maybe we're similar
But why would they choose to take on my own burden when they
Are going through something similar
What is a listening ear if it's never spoken to
Or a speaking mouth without anyone hearing
Maybe this poetry isn't a help
But maybe it's the vast, gray fog of oblivion between the mouth and ear
So if you've come this far
Maybe get lost in the smoke
There is a vaguely numb comfort here
Written by
John Doe
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