Is it too much to ask That the love lasts forever? must it always come to end In horrific painful ways? I gave you my best years and my hopes and dreams. You desecrated my trust Taught me what it was to hurt So much my heart was breaking into shards that pierced what remained. You destroyed everything I had You pushed me off the edge of sanity and reason. Turmoil fills my days I am besieged by the pain With every breath I take. Why couldn't you have walked away The very first day we met? I wouldn't love you this much See you in my dreams need you everyday. I wouldn't ache when you push me away worry myself to sickness over what you want and need. I wouldn't cry myself to sleep Curse Cupid and the fates Am tired of loving it only brings hurt my way. Oh but for blessed quiet no more panicked plans Rushed moments and time I want to unknow everything I have come to know with you.