Holy yards of hallowed houses of prayer rise in sublime chants and hymns at this hour of the blessed dawn when auspicious shades of light grace the scabbards of swords long sheathed and covered in shadows of figures on the stained glasses
A divided land of long used to darkness engulfing, rejoices: a saviour rises, a hero who can unite and heal: purple robe and the rag, Roman and Celt: the long suffering realm finds solace at last in order and justice; A quest brews, of sacred chalices
In the noble hearts of faithful knights: Alas, a tragedy in the shadows, whither, famed Artorius, wise? Hades schemes to ****** away your Persephone to Annfwyn afar: No mortal wounds could fell you alive, But this, you carry on to Avalon.
Excalibur from the mists, peace with the Druids, Merlin, defense of Britain from invasions, Guinevere and Lancelot - who doesn't love this ever fresh tale of mystical heroism, magic and tragic love!