Leaving you will surely **** me; I don't even want to this time. But I'm a big girl now, a big girl going off to college. I can picture it:
I open the door to your room, you're shuffling around with something. Your back is to me. I stand there silently for a moment; letting you distract yourself. I'm about ready to break, but I don't know how strong you'll act so I stand up tall. Suddenly, you crumble. And I'm there. Holding you up, telling you I'm here; that I'll never let you go. Whispering everything I can think of; catching your tears; pressing you into me to try an swallow you up; to just have you within myself where I never have to leave you. After who knows how long; after I've gotten everything out of me and maybe you did too.. I press my forehead against yours (I have to be on my tippy toes; I'm not tall enough.) so we can just cry for a moment, together. Then, I tell you I love you; take a deep breath; whisper, "goodbye" and kiss the smooth spot on your forehead.
I think I die as I walk out the door. I'm really not sure though. I try to break the surface of my daydreams before they break my heart. There are two horrible parts about this dream. One: this is an impending doom I can't escape. Everyday is a grain of sand, falling away. Two: I don't even know if you'll notice my absence. I mean, I know you will. But I don't think it'll break you like it will me. Not that I want that. I just don't want you to let me go.