in my mind all i really wanted was mind enough to say no... and yet as i had knelt... and as i had pleaded.. all i could ask for was ignorance and all i could say was thank you for all the venom--- still it feels just a little bit sad i couldn't ask for more... more drops by drops wishing wanting waiting washing down falling
even deeper
ever faster
intoxicating sating myself more and more in this scrumptouos feast of more and more and with every single mouthful i take in my appetite begs for more and more yes i am a wolf. the lowest of the low in a tripartite soul. and i can't help but fill myself up no matter how much i weigh myself down. i just want more. more of bullets for every single word you say more of icicles for every single awkward touch more of daggers for every single glare you look me down with more of poison for every single lie you make me swallow forcefully down my own throat saying that you've always been true more of you... for every single night i waste away lying wide awake lying to myself about not regretting every sound i taught, trained my tongue to incarcerate until you were no longer there to listen more of flames. the feeling i get whenever you quench my burning aching hunger. more of flames that blazing glimmer i become when everyone looks at all my scars with disappointment. i want more of flames. and i just want to burn it all down along with you. and then i'd happily engulf myself engorge myself on all our shared pain and misery knowing that no one will ever knowingly share anything else with me... let me bask at least one last supper in the blissful toxin of our cannibalism and one last time we'll cast a miracle and burn in the gluttony of our lustful intersuffering drowning drunk from the deathly fermentation of our own flowing blood knowing we'll never again have to wake up with a killer of a hangover tomorrow.
requested by~~ i*** and a****~~ quite difficult actually, i hope i don't disappoint you two :<
anyway, it is not like this is much of an anecdote to my life but this really resonates to me a lot, and honestly i based this on a friend of mine and it really isn't an unusual thing anyway.
ever tried to tell the world to f*c* off? it's kind of hard to do it when you're acting humane and all alone...
anyway, thanks for reading!!! please let me know what you think i could improve on this style on the comments :3